Wednesday, August 24, 2016

5th grade dives into Financial Literacy

Hello parents! Hopefully your children have started to share with you what they are learning in TAG about financial literacy.  Yesterday was a bit of an economic crash course along with a brief history of the stock market.  Students will learn about budgeting, saving, how to invest, and stewardship during this portion of the unit.

Want to take a look at what your children are learning?  Below is our unit pre-test.  See how much you know!

There are also so many fantastic resources for financial literacy as a family out there, and I encourage you to take advantage of them!

There are a few great things on this website, including a few quizzes to see where you fall in the preparedness:

We also highly encourage you to talk with your kids about how you budget, save, spend + invest.  We know this is a private matter, but learning to hear how mom and dad pick stocks is "realllly coool" to a 5th grader.

We already have one expert volunteer to come in and share a bit about the Stock Market, and we thank you!  We love connecting the kids to experts in the real world.

Have a great week!

Economics, Personal Finance, & the Stock Market Pretest
True or False:

___________1.  Stocks are items found in the store room of a grocery store.
___________2.  Only rich people invest in the stock market.
___________3.  Stocks are sold by the United States government.
___________4.  If the stock market goes up 30% one year, it will fall 30% the next year.
___________5.  Any stock that goes up must eventually come back down.
___________6.  Bears, bulls, and pigs are found in the stock market.
___________7.  Stock prices are set by the Securities and Exchange Commission, a regulatory agency of the US government.
___________8.  Stock markets are open on business days around the clock, around the world.
___________9.  Sometimes companies buy their stocks on the stock market.
___________10.  It is hard to buy a good stock today because all of the good ones have been purchased already.
___________11.  Buying stocks is a sure way to make money.
___________12.  Insider trader meaning that trading stocks take place inside the building. 
___________13.  People can buy stocks on the internet. 
___________14.  When the stock market goes up, it causes the economy to grow.

Brainstorm and record your thoughts and ideas. Try your best! 

What does economics mean?  What is the economy?  How does the economy work?

What is the Stock Market? How does the Stock Market work?  What determines the direction and success the Stock Market?

How does someone decide how to invest his/her money?

What does it mean to manage your finances?  What is financial literacy?

What is a budget? What percentage of your income should you set aside for:  charitable donations?  Savings?  Investing? Spending? What is a balanced budget?

What was the Great Depression?  What caused it?  How did it change the world then?  How does it still impact our world today?  What is a recession?

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